How To Open a Durian Step By Step (Handling)

How To Open a Durian
mimi_chia Avatar


Durian is a popular fruit in Southeast Asia, with its origins primarily in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand. This distinctive fruit possesses a unique taste and a strong aroma. Most people love it, while some others may not accept its flavor. For those who do not like durian, they describe its flavor as resembling cat poop. I guess no one from Asia, especially Malaysians, Indonesians, or Thais, will say no to eating this delicious fruit.

As a Malaysian who loves durian so much, opening durians is like second nature to me because most Malaysians have learned how to open durians since childhood. We learned from our family members by observing them while they opened the durians.

Nowadays, numerous durians are exported to various countries, and people can find durians easily which are in whole pieces that have not been opened. For consumers from nations that do not cultivate durian or for first-time consumers who are eager to taste this unique fruit, some of them may open the durian in the wrong way or may feel difficulty in opening it.

Well, here I’m going to share with you the correct, simple way of handling this spiky Durian fruit. Let’s get started and read the tutorials below.

Step 1: Place The Whole Durian On a Chopping Board

  • Place a durian on a chopping board and cut off the durian stem, referring to Figure 1 below.

cut a durians

Figure 1

Step 2: Protect Your Hands From The Spines By Using A Table Cloth

  • Take a tablecloth while holding the durian during the opening process, this is to prevent the spines from the durian from hurting our hand. Please refer to Figure 2 below.


Figure 2

Step 3: Star-shaped mark on the bottom of the durian

  • Take notice of the bottom of the durian, there is a star-shaped mark on it. Take a knife and start opening the durian by following the mark. Please refer to Figures 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Figure 3 : There is a star-shaped mark on the bottom of the durian, like this.


Figure 4: Take a knife and open it by following the marks on the bottom of the durian.


Figure 5


Figure 6


In conclusion, by following the steps outlined above, you can easily open a durian. I trust that this information proves beneficial, enabling you to open a durian without any difficulty in your next experience.

Moreover, the study highlights specific foods to avoid when consuming or after eating durian. The findings recommend steering clear of:

  • Alcohol
  • Coffee/any caffeine
  • Milk
  • Seafood
  • Beef/Mutton
  • Coke

These suggestions aim to enhance the overall durian-eating experience and contribute to better digestive comfort.

If you’re interested in watching a step-by-step demonstration of how to open a Durian, you can check out the MonkeyKitchens Channel YouTube video below. 

How To Open a Durian

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